Khabar Chautari Harpal-Updated

Stay informed with the latest news from all sources in Nepal with our comprehensive news app, featuring live radio and a unique "swipe-up" reading experience, similar to TikTok.

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app features

Get surprised by amazing features.

Easy to Use

Stay up to date with Nepal's latest news with our easy-to-use app. Live radio, convenient "swipe-up" reading.

Easily accessible radio

Keep up with the latest news and updates from Nepal with our user-friendly radio app. Live radio updates, always at your fingertips.

Share News

Stay informed and share the latest news from Nepal with friends and family using our user-friendly news app. Latest news, easy sharing.

Video Section

Khabar chautari now featuring a video section for the latest video news updates. Never miss a beat and stay informed with the latest visual updates anytime, anywhere.

Saves Time

Stay informed quickly and easily with our reliable, user-friendly news app. Save time and stay on top of Nepal's news anytime, anywhere.

Use from Anywhere

Stay connected to Nepal's latest news, wherever you are with our easy-to-use news app. Stay informed, stay connected, anytime, anywhere.

our video

Khabar Chautari is a fast and secure app that was built for both Android and iOS platforms.

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app features

Rich and full of features.

Stay up to date with Nepal's latest news with our easy-to-use app. Live radio, convenient "swipe-up" reading.

Video Section

Get latest video news


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app features

Accessible from everywhere.

Share News

Stay informed and share the latest news from Nepal with friends and family using our user-friendly news app. Latest news, easy sharing.

Online Radio Stations

Keep up with the latest news and updates from Nepal with our user-friendly radio app. Live radio updates, always at your fingertips.

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What people are talking about.


“This Nepal news app is a must-have! Features latest news, live radio & unique 'swipe-up' reading experience. Highly recommend it.”

— Dipesh

“I just downloaded this news app for Nepal and I am loving it! It has everything I need to stay informed about the latest happenings in the country. The live radio feature is a game changer, and the "swipe-up" reading experience is so user-friendly. It's like having TikTok for news. I highly recommend this app to anyone looking for a comprehensive source of news from all sources in Nepal. It's become my go-to source for staying up-to-date.”

— Kusum

“Found an amazing news app for Nepal! Latest news, live radio & a cool 'swipe-up' reading feature. Highly recommend it.”

— Hari

Some frequently asked questions

Our news app provides the latest news from all sources in Nepal, with features such as live radio and a unique "swipe-up" reading experience.

Our news content is updated in real-time, so users always have access to the latest information.

No, there is no limit to the number of articles a user can read in a day. Please keep in mind that i am an AI and this is a hypothetical situation, the detail of the app and its functionality may be different.

Yes, our app has a built-in date converter feature that allows users to convert the date from English to Nepali or vice versa. It's a handy feature for users who want to compare the news and events happening in both the date format.

Yes, our app has a live radio feature that allows users to listen to the latest news and updates in real-time.

Khabar Chautari app

Have a look at what’s inside the app.


Download from both Android and iOS

10 Thousand users and counting!

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