app features

Easy to use

Stay up to date with Nepal's latest news with our easy-to-use app. Live radio, convenient "swipe-up" reading.


Our news app for Nepal is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. With intuitive navigation, easy access to the latest updates, live radio updates, a unique "swipe-up" reading experience, a built-in date converter and a video section to watch the latest visual news updates. Our app is optimized for use anytime, anywhere and it's designed to make it easy for users to stay informed and connected with the latest happenings in Nepal.

Our unique promise.

Our unique promise is that you'll be able to access the information you need in seconds and without any hassle, so you can focus on staying informed and connected, without worrying about navigating a complex app.

Easily accessible radio

Keep up with the latest news and updates from Nepal with our user-friendly radio app. Live radio updates, always at your fingertips.


Our news app for Nepal features a live radio update that provides the latest information and updates in real-time, making it easy for users to stay informed on the go. The live radio feature is easily accessible, integrated within the app and can be accessed with just a tap, allowing users to listen to the news anytime and anywhere. Our easy-to-use app is designed to make it simple for users to stay connected with the latest happenings in Nepal, with live radio updates that are convenient, up-to-date, and just a tap away.

Our unique promise.

Our unique promise for the live radio feature in our news app is that users will have access to the most current and up-to-date information on the latest happenings in Nepal. Whether you're at home or on-the-go, our live radio feature is designed to make it easy for users to stay informed and connected, without the need for a separate radio device. The live radio feature is always accessible and available, ensuring that users never miss a beat when it comes to news from Nepal. With just a tap, you can have access to live radio updates that you can trust and rely on to be timely and accurate.

Share News

Stay informed and share the latest news from Nepal with friends and family using our user-friendly news app. Latest news, easy sharing.


Khabar Chautari, the news app for Nepal, offers a convenient share feature that allows users to share the latest news updates with friends and family. This feature makes it easy for users to stay connected and informed, and keep their loved ones in the loop on the latest happenings in Nepal. Whether you want to share a news article, video or an interesting piece of information, the share feature of Khabar Chautari allows users to share the information with just a tap. It's a great way for users to stay informed and stay connected with the latest news from Nepal.

Our unique promise.

The unique promise for the share feature in Khabar Chautari, is that it will allow users to quickly and easily share the latest news updates with friends and family. Whether you want to share a news article, video or an interesting piece of information, the share feature in Khabar Chautari will make it easy for users to pass along the news to the people they care about, without any hassle. With just one tap, you can share a news article, video or an interesting piece of information with your friends, family and loved ones, enabling them to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in Nepal as well. This feature makes it easy for users to stay connected and informed, and keep their loved ones in the loop on the latest happenings in Nepal.

Video Section

Khabar chautari now featuring a video section for the latest video news updates. Never miss a beat and stay informed with the latest visual updates anytime, anywhere.


Khabar Chautari, the news app for Nepal, now includes a video section for the latest visual news updates. The video section provides a new and exciting way for users to stay informed on the latest happenings in Nepal, by allowing users to watch the news as it happens. The video section is easily accessible, integrated within the app and can be accessed with just a tap, allowing users to watch the latest video news updates anytime and anywhere. With Khabar Chautari, users have the flexibility to choose how they want to consume the news, whether it's by reading, listening to the radio, or watching the latest video news updates.

Our unique promise.

The unique promise for the video section in Khabar Chautari, the news app for Nepal, is that users will have access to the most current, up-to-date, and comprehensive visual news updates, that will provide a new and exciting way to stay informed on the latest happenings in Nepal. The video section is designed to give users a new level of engagement and immersion, allowing them to see the news as it happens, with video content that ranges from news coverage, interviews, reports and more. Users will have the ability to watch the latest happenings from Nepal from wherever they are and at their own convenience. The video section in Khabar Chautari, will not only provide an enjoyable way to consume the news but also will enhance the users' understanding of the news by providing a visual context to the stories.

Saves Time

Stay informed quickly and easily with our reliable, user-friendly news app. Save time and stay on top of Nepal's news anytime, anywhere.


Khabar Chautari, the news app for Nepal, is designed to be efficient and save users time. With our user-friendly app, users can access the latest news updates quickly and easily, with live radio updates, "swipe-up" reading experience, a built-in date converter and a video section for the latest visual news updates, all in one place, users can access the information they need without wasting time. Our app's intuitive navigation and easy-to-use interface make it easy for users to access the latest news from Nepal at their convenience. Users will not have to waste time searching for the news they want, our app is designed to give users the information they need, when they need it.

Our unique promise.

The unique promise for Khabar Chautari, the news app for Nepal, when it comes to saving users time, is that we will provide the latest and most relevant news updates from Nepal in a quick and easy to access format. With our user-friendly interface, live radio updates, "swipe-up" reading experience, a built-in date converter, and a video section for the latest visual news updates, users will have all the information they need at their fingertips without wasting time navigating through an overwhelming amount of irrelevant content. Our app is designed to be efficient and user-centric, giving users the information they need, when they need it, quickly and easily, so users can spend their time more productively.

Use from anywhere

Stay connected to Nepal's latest news, wherever you are with our easy-to-use news app. Stay informed, stay connected, anytime, anywhere.


Khabar Chautari, the news app for Nepal, is designed to be accessible from anywhere, at any time. With our app, users can stay informed on the latest happenings in Nepal, no matter where they are located. The app is optimized for use anytime, anywhere and can be accessed via mobile device, ensuring that users never miss a beat when it comes to news from Nepal. Whether you're a local resident or a world traveler, Khabar Chautari is here to keep you informed on the latest happenings in Nepal, regardless of your location.

Our unique promise.

The unique promise of Khabar Chautari, the news app for Nepal, when it comes to the use from anywhere, is that the app will be accessible and informative, no matter where the users are located. We understand the importance of staying informed and connected, which is why we have made sure that the app can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, through any mobile device. With our user-friendly interface and live radio updates, "swipe-up" reading experience, built-in date converter and video section for the latest visual news updates, users will have the most current and accurate news from Nepal, accessible to them no matter where they are in the world. Our app will always be there to keep users informed and connected to the latest happenings in Nepal, and the unique promise is the that users will always have the ability to access the news and stay informed no matter where their location is.

app features

Rich and full of features.

Stay up to date with Nepal's latest news with our easy-to-use app. Live radio, convenient "swipe-up" reading.

Video Section

Get latest video news


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app features

Accessible from everywhere.

Share News

Stay informed and share the latest news from Nepal with friends and family using our user-friendly news app. Latest news, easy sharing.

Online Radio Stations

Keep up with the latest news and updates from Nepal with our user-friendly radio app. Live radio updates, always at your fingertips.

Get Started


Some frequently asked questions

Our news app provides the latest news from all sources in Nepal, with features such as live radio and a unique "swipe-up" reading experience.

Our news content is updated in real-time, so users always have access to the latest information.

No, there is no limit to the number of articles a user can read in a day. Please keep in mind that i am an AI and this is a hypothetical situation, the detail of the app and its functionality may be different.

Yes, our app has a built-in date converter feature that allows users to convert the date from English to Nepali or vice versa. It's a handy feature for users who want to compare the news and events happening in both the date format.

Yes, our app has a live radio feature that allows users to listen to the latest news and updates in real-time.
